dental veneers

What Should You Know About Natural Looking Veneers?

Placing dental veneers is one of the best ways of reclaiming your lost pride. Although the process of placing veneers could be costly and risky, working with the right dentist will minimize the risks and ensure natural looking veneers.

We are sure that there are other cosmetic dentistry procedures, but the use of veneers is unique and promising. As a result, we shall look at the major facts you should know about dental veneer placement

Why do I need natural looking veneers?

There are various problems that your dentist can help you fix by placing dental veneers over your tooth. However, the types of veneers you choose will depend on your preferences, cost, and your oral health condition. Below are the main reasons for considering porcelain veneer.

  • Worn out teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Misaligned, irregularly shaped, or uneven teeth
  • Discolored teeth caused by excessive fluoride, root canal treatment, stains, or a large resin filling

dental veneers

Dental Veneer Procedure

If you are determined to have natural looking veneers, then you should be aware of what happens at every stage of dental veneer placement so you can be ready for anything. Normally, the patients will first undergo three major steps; diagnosis and planning of treatment, preparation, and bonding.

Diagnosis: when you visit your cosmetic dentist, you’ll explain your expectation to help the doctor devise a suitable treatment plan. Also, they will diagnose your teeth and jawbone structure and take X-rays if necessary. Lastly, the dentist will share with you the limits and strength of the dental procedure you’ve chosen and advise you accordingly.

Preparation: this is the stage when the doctor needs to reshape your enamel to find a spece for the natural looking veneers. Thereafter, a model for your tooth will be made, and it will be used to make your dental veneers. This may be within 2-4 weeks, but in the meanwhile, the patient will use temporary dental veneers.

Bonding: Several attempts will be made to ensure the dental veneer fit perfectly and its color matches other teeth. After the achievement of the desired result, the doctor will cement the veneer to the patient’s tooth. By adjusting the shades of cement, a different veneer color can be archived.

Pros of dental veneers

  • It makes dark tooth appear white
  • lasts longer than dental crows
  • Porcelain veneers resist stain
  • Porcelain veneers are tolerated by gums


  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • High chances of tooth damage
  • Not ideal for patients with underlying oral health
  • The natural looking veneers may accidentally dislodge and drop.