physio Auckland

Things Your Physio Wish You Should Do

Looking For physio Auckland? if you have undergone a physical therapy treatment, you go a long way when following a treatment. No doubt, you get pieces of advice from your physio Auckland to get rid of health problems. He keeps you smooth and comfortable whenever it comes to setting up the treatment. Besides offering a smooth and comfortable treatment, he also wants you to do the following things.

Exercise at Home

He wants you to do regular exercise at home, as you can’t avoid an exercise routine. It makes you healthy and comfortable, so there is no scene to avoid it. Exercise keeps you healthy and comfortable, so there is always a chance to stay healthy when you do regular exercise sessions at home. Hence, your professional physio also recommends some exercises that you should not skip at all.

Don’t Bear the Pain

Another thing is to speak up when you feel pain. Never hide things, especially when you experience pain issues during the treatment time. If you undergo pain issues, it is your right to speak up. Just don’t bear it. Let your physiotherapist know about the pain! Don’t get late!

physio Auckland

Keep Your Body Moving

If you have started treatment and don’t feel relaxed, it is time to move your body. Just keep moving or else you’ll feel pain and other health issues. Just keep the body moving to avoid problems. Never relax unless you reduce pain.

Avoid Painful Posture

Another important thing is to avoid the postures that put you in pain and trouble. Your sitting posture can cause issues. The better thing is to sit in a comfortable and relaxed posture to avoid pain. Sitting posture matters a lot, if you work 8 hours a day in the same posture, it will hurt you. So, you must change it.

Eat Healthily

Your Northshore physio also suggests you eat healthily. So, always eat healthy food to beat pain. Eating healthy is so important for your health, even during physical therapy treatment, healthy eating helps. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption when you begin physical therapy treatment.

Control Weight

You should always control your weight before and after beginning the physical therapy treatment. Never gain weight when you begin therapy treatment. Weight control is a must, as it keeps you healthy and smart. More importantly, a professional physio Auckland also recommends this to patients. To learn more about this topic visit our website.