general dental in Newcastle

What Is The Situation Of General Dental Care In Newcastle?

It’s important to keep your teeth and gums healthy. This way, you can avoid gum disease and cavities, which can lead to serious consequences. The general dental in Newcastle is not too good.

Why do we say it is not good?

  1. Can be costly: Dental care in Newcastle is costly. The reason behind this is the lack of qualified dentists. And there is also a very high shortage of dentists in the city. This is one of the major reasons that the general dental care in Newcastle is becoming quite poor.
  2. Poor standards: The general dental care in Newcastle is not up to the mark when compared with other major cities. There are many dental clinics in the city, but most of them have fewer dentists and poor facilities. Also, it takes a lot of time to reach the nearest clinics because there are no proper bus routes.
  3. No easy diagnosis: If a patient has a toothache, he or she will take the pills right away. But if there is no dental problem, he or she will just ignore it and its possible side effects will lead to serious health problems like liver damage due to prescription drugs.
  4. Lack of awareness among people: The general dental care in Newcastle is also affected by a lack of awareness among people about the importance of dental health and how to maintain it. This factor makes them not take care of their teeth or be careful about visiting a dentist unless they are experiencing severe pain, which often leads to more serious complications as well as delayed treatment outcomes.

general dental in Newcastle

What can be done to make it better?

  1. To improve general dental care in Newcastle, a dentist should be hired by the city mayor. The plan is to establish a dental center where patients can go to seek treatment or advice. There they will get free dental care. This action will make general dental care in Newcastle better and people will be more aware of it.
  2. Despite being expensive, not all people can afford the treatment for themselves or their family members because of their low income and unemployment problems. Thus, subsidizing the treatment cost is vital so that people don’t have to wait in queues for hours before reaching a dentist. One of the cars affected by this is wisdom teeth removal in Newcastle.
  3. The tooth extraction rate, which is currently quite high in the city, can be lowered. This will not only reduce the money spent on treatment but also avoid any health problems that may result due to tooth pain or extraction of teeth.


The general dental in Newcastle is relatively bad and the government and authorities seem to be not interested in improving it. The only way out is to educate the people about the importance of possessing healthy teeth and gums, as well as maintaining them regularly, which will not only keep one healthy but also save a huge amount of money. To learn more about this topic visit our website.