Micro suction

What Is Micro Suction?

Micro suction is a new and advanced ear cleaning technique that is used for the effective removal of hard wax from the ear. But before starting this treatment method of removing earwax, a doctor, mostly an ENT specialist, will look into the ear canal of the patient and make use of a microscope in order to find the blockage.

Sometimes, there is an alternate method of the microscope, which is the use of a tiny camera. Doctors make use of a tiny camera on which a small light can easily fit into your ear canal and can capture the view inside your ear canal in order to find the blockage. This tiny camera that has a light and can fit inside an ear canal is called an endoscope.

During this procedure of wax removal, otolaryngologists make use of a tiny size ear clean vacuum that can help in gently delivering suction in their ear canal to displace and then remove the wax.

Moreover, this technique is not common as other techniques because the tools are costly for clinics to purchase. However, this method is considered the best option for earwax removal, although to carry out this method, you will need to visit an ENT specialist to have this treatment done.

Micro suction

This option is preferred among professionals, but still, there is no trusted source that has proved that this technique is more effective than ear irrigation. That’s why, in case your doctor has no access to this technique, irrigation is considered the best alternative.

How does micro-suction work?

Before starting this procedure, your ear specialist will ask you some essential questions in order to know about your previous and present ear condition. Your doctor will also ask you about which medicines you are currently taking. Remember that this procedure can be a good option for you; however, there are some reasons why you should not try this.

In this procedure, your ear specialist will look into your ear with the help of an endoscope. The doctor has a screen setup that shows the current footage of your ear. The procedure of micro-suction only lasts a few minutes, and your ENT specialist will insert a long yet thin vacuum inside your ear canal to remove wax.

So this is the process of micro suction in which you may feel some suction inside your ear and might hear squeaking during the process. And once this procedure is done, your doctor will gently pull out the wax with the help of a forceps pair. For more informaiton visit our Webiste