Philips Zoom Whitening

Philips Zoom Whitening: Is It Worth The Money?

The Philips Zoom Whitening is a professional teeth whitening system that uses high-powered LEDs to accelerate the whitening process. The treatment is said to be completed in just 45 minutes, and the results are said to be notified immediately.

But is the Philips Zoom Whitespeed worth the money? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the treatment, its risks and side effects, and whether it’s worth the investment.

What Does the Treatment Involve?

The Zoom Whitening System has been designed to give you the brightest smile possible in just 45 minutes. In order to get this treatment, you should consider visiting a calm dentist.

The treatment uses high-powered LED lights that penetrate deep into your teeth and remove stains without damaging them. It’s also painless, so there’s no need for gels or trays – just a simple procedure that takes only a few minutes!

How Long Does It Last?

The Phillips Zoom Whitespeed is said to last up to four times longer than other teeth whitening treatments. This means that you should see your teeth brighten up for up to two years after your first use of the Philips Zoom Whitespeed.

Side Effects of Philips Zoom Whitespeed:

While there aren’t any major side effects associated with Philips Zoom Whitespeed, there can be some minor ones.

Some people may experience sensitivity after using this system, which usually goes away within a few days. Some people have also reported mild tooth pain after using this device.

Philips Zoom Whitening

Who Should Avoid It?

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, you may want to avoid this treatment as it can cause discomfort for some people.

Also, if you have any medical condition that affects your immune system or circulatory system, then it’s best to consult with your doctor before undergoing any dental procedure.

How Much Does the Treatment Cost, and Is It Worth It?

The Philips Zoom Whitespeed treatment costs $300 per session, which is expensive compared to other teeth whitening treatments. However, it can take multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

If you want your teeth to look their best right away, this may not be for you, as there’s no guarantee that you will see noticeable results after one session.


The Philips Zoom whitening treatment is time-efficient but expensive. If you’re looking to save money, there are plenty of products on the market that can help you achieve a whiter smile at home, such as whitening strips and toothpaste.

Related Sources: Kids Dentist Newcastle, Newcastle Dental Centre