whitening teeth UK

What Makes Whitening Teeth UK Stand Out?

A beautiful smile comes with better confidence when the teeth are without stain. Thought of whitening teeth UK?

Whitening teeth UK is one sure way to lighten the color of your teeth, remove tough stains caused by age, infection, and antibiotics and have yourself a set of brilliant teeth.

How safe is it?

A recent study has considered teeth whitening safe for children above 14 years and adults alike. It is even safer when you adhere to dentist approved methods.

There are other couple of ways to bleach the teeth and make it whiter, but to be on the safe side , consult a registered dentist who will be able to advise if teeth whitening is suitable for you , the type of whitening formula to use, and a regulated prescription as well.  Save for some side effects such as tooth sensitivity which fades off after a few days , teeth whitening is as good as safe.

whitening teeth UK

Is it affordable?

The cost of teeth whitening in the UK is not so exorbitant . Its cost varies depending on the teeth whitening method used.

Misconceptions about Teeth whitening

There are  many misconceptions surrounding teeth whitening which has not been scientifically proven  to be true yet. Some of them include the following;

  1. Teeth whitening does not damage your teeth if carried out properly.
  2. Coconut oil and turmeric does not whiten your teeth either. There are just spices used in cooking and so far, there hasn’t been any scientific proof to show that it whitens the teeth.
  3. Acids from orange and grape do not also whiten the teeth, instead they end up wearing out the tooth enamel.
  4. Teeth whitening does not last for a lifetime. The maximum is usually 3-5years.
  5. Teeth whitening does not achieve desired results overnight. It takes a few days to weeks before you see changes.

Who should not go for teeth whitening.

Though considered safe, people who fall under the following categories should stay away from teeth whitening or consult a registered dentist before they do so.

  1. People with extreme allergies.
  2. People with extreme tooth sensitivity and irritation.
  3. People who have had multiple tooth restoration and fill-ups.
  4. Children under 14years. This is because they have larger pulp chambers which are not suitable for teeth whitening.
  5. People with severe gum disease.


Because you’re never really dressed without a smile ,with whitening teeth UK, you can now smile better with so much confidence.Visit this website for more informartion!